It’s Getting Closer!!

Last year one of our parents Ant undertook The Three Peak Challenge to raise money for the school.

He climbed the three highest mountains in the United Kingdom, Benevis, Scarfel Pike and Snowdon. What was even more amazing was when Ant climbed up and down Snowdon he added to the challenge, by carrying his son Rhys aged 8 on his back  in an adapted back-pack.

Lots of tears were shed at the moving footage produced of this climb, which has now been viewed over a 1000 times. Ant raised a staggering £2650 for the school. Such was the success of the climb, there was a unanimous decision that Team Pens Meadow should make this an annual event.

Our party has doubled this year this and staff, parents and friends are now getting ready for the big climb on Saturday 29th June. We will be departing at 08.30 and climbing the Llanberis Path.

We have already raised over £400 … you too can make a difference by visiting:

We understand the weather is scheduled to be good please look out for the photographs and take a moment to enjoy last year’s pictures.