Message about Covid 19

Dear Parents/Carers,

I know that lots of you are feeling understandably anxious about what is happening with the spread of Covid 19 and what might happen in school. We remain guided by advice from the Government and Public Health England and continue to monitor the situation closely.

Guidance for schools  is being regularly updated but for now the advice remains as follows; keep hands clean with frequent hand washing, use a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes and makes sure that you act responsibly if you or any of your family feel unwell. At this stage there is no reason for your child not be in school if they are in good health however in light of the most recent advice we ask that if your child is displaying symptoms of a new, continuous cough or has a high temperature (37.8 degrees or higher) that you keep them at home for 7 days. It is essential that you communicate this with us.

National Guidance for educational settings is available here:

Information about 5 things we can all do to protect ourselves and our communities can be found here:

Other measures we are taking to help prevent the spread of infection include;

Sports Hall use restricted to school only.

Additional Risk Assessments being undertaken before pupils go off site. Scheduled visits and community access may be cancelled.

Meetings in school cancelled where possible.

Visitors to school reduced.

Advice is monitored on a daily basis and I assure you that if there are any changes to the current situation we will let you know. This is an unknown scenario. We promise to be open with you, keep you updated and do our utmost to minimise any impact whilst putting safety first.

Yours Sincerely

Marie Hunter